Educational Technology

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Educational Technology by Mind Map: Educational Technology

1. Presentation

1.1. Projectors

1.2. Smartboards

1.3. Whiteboards

1.4. Word Processors

2. Recording Devices

2.1. Digital Camera

2.2. Video Camera

2.3. Audio Recorder

3. Learning Tools

3.1. IPad

3.2. Computers and Laptops

3.3. Computer Programs

3.4. Internet sources

3.5. Thumb Drives

4. Hardware

4.1. Printer

4.1.1. Scanner Speakers

4.2. Scanner

4.3. Speakers

4.4. Headphones

5. Communication

5.1. Email

5.2. Cell Phones

5.3. Texting

5.4. Social Networking

5.5. Clickers