Coffee Shop

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Coffee Shop by Mind Map: Coffee Shop

1. Plan

1.1. Goals

1.1.1. Financially prepared

1.1.2. High Quality Product

1.2. Rules

1.2.1. Always make sure the customer is happy

1.2.2. Don't bite off more than one can chew - financially

1.2.3. Serve only the best product

1.3. Not having enough business, supply for demand, financial strife, etc.

1.4. Observe how other coffee shops are ran, learn new brewing techniques, unique product, and location

1.5. Be financially set to open up a business, learn all there is to know about running a coffee shop, legal issues, overhead, managing, hiring, etc.

1.6. Define Action Points

2. Finances

2.1. Profit- How much money will my business bring in?

2.2. Expenses- How much money will be put into my business?

3. Goals

3.1. Business Plan

3.2. Investors

3.3. Set Finances

3.4. Product/Equipment

4. Priorities

4.1. Finances

4.2. High Quality Product & Customer service

4.3. Location