Learnnet: ICT in learning, teaching & research: social network for the future

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Learnnet: ICT in learning, teaching & research: social network for the future by Mind Map: Learnnet: ICT in learning, teaching & research: social network for the future

1. Study A: Network building (action research study)

2. 1. ICT in learning and teaching (Torfi)

2.1. Open access preschool websites

2.2. ICT in primary schools

2.3. ICT in upper sec and uni.

3. 2. Distance, online, blended, mob. learning (Ásrún)

3.1. Distr.educ rural areas

3.2. English t&l through distance

3.3. Mobile learning

3.4. IT support, adult learning

3.5. School soc. community online

4. Literacies, learning environments, digital resources (Michael og Ágústa)

4.1. Info literacy of s's in sec

4.2. digital video streasming and lang. learning

4.3. Math games on Network

4.4. pleasure reading, motivation & digital resources

5. Partners?

5.1. IS: AM, GKJ (SAFT), SG, GF, GÓ

5.2. Europe

5.2.1. UK Newcastle U (SM) - ICT in educ. Open U (GC) - online/DE Sheffield? (dig. res. health)

5.2.2. Finnland Aabo U (MB) - DE, tool chest/soc. netw, Open source Oulu? info lit. digital resources, health

5.2.3. Holland, Maastrict? - didactics elearning

5.2.4. Spain, Barcelona? school of education - didactics elearning

5.2.5. Denmark - DPU, Aalborg, Copenh. - online teaching, elearning, open source, tool chest

5.3. Outside EU

5.3.1. Canada-Athabasca (TA)

5.3.2. Indland - NIOS (SM)

5.3.3. Australia - USQ (PD, RH)

6. Researchers


6.1.1. Res: Sólveig, Torfi

6.1.2. Phd: HÁ

6.1.3. M.Ed.: IS, SiJó, SvJ.

6.2. UI-LANG

6.2.1. Res: MD, SL, RB

6.3. UI-LIS

6.3.1. Res: ÁP

6.3.2. PhD: ÞTÞ

6.3.3. M.Ed.:HG

6.4. UI-ContinEd

6.4.1. Res: SBK, EK

6.5. UI-SupportServ

6.5.1. SiJó

6.6. UA

6.6.1. Res: KD, AÓ

6.7. UR

6.7.1. ÁM