Educational Mobile Apps

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Educational Mobile Apps by Mind Map: Educational Mobile Apps

1. Collaboration

1.1. - allows teachers to collaborate information from their IPOD with the students. If I have a presentation or information I want the students to study or know I can use this app to share on their IPOD's.

1.1.1. If I have a presentation or information I want the students to study or know I can use this app to share on their IPOD's.

1.2. - a place to share files and other applications. Google drive is a place that I can safely upload my files that I would like to share with staff or parents by creating groups.

1.2.1. Google drive is a place that I can safely upload my files that I would like to share with staff or parents by creating groups.

1.3. - A creative way for students to tell stories as a team. With this app I could have students create a story about their favorite book, recreate a part from a Social Studies Unit, or teach other students about a math lesson.

1.3.1. With this app I could have students create a story about their favorite book, recreate a part from a Social Studies Unit, or teach other students about a math lesson.

1.4. - students can work together to learn about the world. With Social Studies or even Reading students can learn to collaborate together in Barefoot-World-Atlas to find information needed to create a research paper.

1.4.1. With Social Studies or even Reading students can learn to collaborate together in Barefoot-World-Atlas to find information needed to create a research paper.

1.5. - Students will work together to create. With Book Creator students will learn to work together as they are creating a book on a topic assigned to them

1.5.1. With Book Creator students will learn to work together as they are creating a book on a topic assigned to them

1.6. - used for teacher and students to work together when students cannot be in the classroom. Groupboard allows teachers to tutor students online without having to drive to their home (if it's a distance) and the students will still be able to learn when unable to be in school.

1.6.1. Groupboard allows teachers to tutor students online without having to drive to their home (if it's a distance) and the students will still be able to learn when unable to be in school.

2. Reading

2.1. - students are able to practice cursive writing. Groupboard allows teachers to tutor students online without having to drive to their home (if it's a distance) and the students will still be able to learn when unable to be in school.

2.1.1. In our educational system we do not have time to teach cursive writing like we want. With Cursive-Writing-Wizard-Trace students can trace and practice cursive writing when they have down time at home or in class if they are done with work early.

2.2. - Students will have fun learning about grammar. Groupboard allows teachers to tutor students online without having to drive to their home (if it's a distance) and the students will still be able to learn when unable to be in school.

2.2.1. For my lower students during our intervention time I can pair students up to work on different grammar skills with Grammar-Wonderland-Elementary mobile app.

2.3. - online reading fun for students. Groupboard allows teachers to tutor students online without having to drive to their home (if it's a distance) and the students will still be able to learn when unable to be in school.

2.3.1. Reading Rainbow allows students to have fun reading books on their mobile device and to watch learning videos to go along with a subject being taught in class.

2.4. - a great app for many learning subjects. Groupboard allows teachers to tutor students online without having to drive to their home (if it's a distance) and the students will still be able to learn when unable to be in school.

2.4.1. With this app students can pick the subject they are struggling in and have a fun way to learn about grammar, subject/predicates, spelling and more.

2.5. - learn vowel rules. Groupboard allows teachers to tutor students online without having to drive to their home (if it's a distance) and the students will still be able to learn when unable to be in school.

2.5.1. Students can learn the different parts of words and how to break them apart with Bugbrained

2.6. - great way to learn how to spell. Groupboard allows teachers to tutor students online without having to drive to their home (if it's a distance) and the students will still be able to learn when unable to be in school.

2.6.1. When looking at this app it says it is great for learning how to spell, which many of our students need. But it can also be used for spelling with vocabulary.

3. By: Candy Carter and Mary Schmitz

4. Organization/Storage

4.1. Dropbox is a free app that allows teachers and students to share and store documents, pictures and other files from a computer or any other mobile device.

4.2. Evernote is a free app that allows you to take notes, make lists, record videos or voice messages and allows you to search these notes from many different devices.

4.3. myHomework Student Planner is a free app that allows students to keep track of homework and projects right on their mobile device.

4.4. Popplet is a mind mapping and brainstorming app. The full version costs $4.99 but allows you to share your maps with others and work collaboratively.

4.5. Put It Away is a mobile a free app that is designed to help students improve their organizational skills by using real-life scenarios. It is suggested to use it with students who have learning disabilities, autism or have a hard time focusing on chores.

4.6. WorkFlowy is a free easy to use app that allows students to take notes using an outline style format. It also allows for collaboration and can be accessed from any mobile device or computer.

5. Math

5.1. Bugs and Numbers is an app designed for students in Pre-K to 2nd Grade. It costs $2.99 and provides students with 18 different games to practice skills ranging from counting to early fractions.

5.2. Squeebles Fractions has 4 mini games that allows students to practice identifying, matching, and comparing fractions. It costs $1.99 and covers fractions from halves to twelfths.

5.3. DragonBox Algebra 5+ is an app for young children to practice addition subtraction and multiplication equation solving without making it seem like they are doing math at all. The app is a little pricey at $5.99 but sounds like it could be a good investment.

5.4. Math Quiz Show is an app that helps student practice multiple types of math skills in the form of a game show. There is also an optional timer to challenge students as they become more proficient. The app costs $1.99.

5.5. Math Blaster HyperBlast is an app that allows students to practice math facts in an arcade style game. Addition is free but subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and standard form are all available as in-app purchases.

5.6. Multiplication Blocks is a Tetris-style app that allows students to practice their muliplicaiton facts for fluency and accuracy. The app costs $1.99.