by Filipe Branco
1. These are specialized cells of the animal cells
1.1. Nerve cells
1.2. Brain cells
1.3. Muscle cells
1.4. Sperm cells
1.5. egg cells
1.6. bone cell
1.7. red blood cell
1.8. White blood cell
1.9. Goblet cell
2. Cells and Microscope
2.1. Microscope
2.1.1. Microscopes are a piece of equipment that we use to see tiny micro-organisms. They are a big help for Scientists.
2.2. Cells
2.2.1. In our bodies we have tiny cells
2.2.2. There are 2 different types of cells: animal cells and Plant cells.
3. Animal cells and Plant cells
3.1. Animal cels
3.1.1. Cytoplasm
3.1.2. Cell Membrane
3.1.3. Nucleus
3.1.4. Golgi body
3.1.5. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
3.1.6. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
3.1.7. Lysosome
3.1.8. Mithochondria
3.2. Plant cells
3.2.1. Cytoplasm
3.2.2. Cell Membrane
3.2.3. Cell wall
3.2.4. Nucleus
3.2.5. Golgi Body
3.2.6. Chloroplast
3.2.7. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
3.2.8. Smoth endoplasmic reticulum
3.2.9. Lysosome
3.2.10. Mytochondria