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Math by Mind Map: Math

1. Area

1.1. the area is the inside of a shape

1.1.1. find the area of a rectangle LxW

2. equaetions

2.1. are expression whit an equal sign

3. Algebra

3.1. algebra is math whit letters

3.2. Yx2=12

3.2.1. Y=6 6x2=12

4. Negative numbers

4.1. numbers with a mines in front

4.1.1. -2

4.1.2. -10

4.1.3. -6

4.2. add negative numbers

4.2.1. -2+-8=-10

4.2.2. -6+5=-1

5. Perimeter

5.1. the sum of the out line of a shape

5.1.1. for find the perimeter of a triangle you need to do: Lx3