Ways to Use Social Media

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Ways to Use Social Media por Mind Map: Ways to Use Social Media

1. Topics/Issues

1.1. Industry Info

1.2. Perspectives

1.3. Opinions

1.4. Brand-related

1.5. Thought Leadership

1.6. Recommendations

2. Recruitment

2.1. Employees

2.2. Vendors

2.3. Volunteers

2.4. Contractors

2.5. Consumers

3. Educational

3.1. Webinars

3.2. Conferences

3.3. Tips/Tricks

3.4. Articles

3.5. Question/Answer

3.6. Research

4. Social

4.1. Support Group

4.2. Forums


5. Research

5.1. Consumer Sentiment

5.2. Consumer Needs

5.3. Market Research

5.3.1. Competition

5.3.2. Jargon Trends

5.3.3. Brand Audit

6. Sales/Marketing

6.1. Links (Blogs, Facebook, etc...)

6.2. Product Information

6.3. Product Announcement

7. Service

7.1. Customer Service

7.2. Technical Support

7.3. Billing

7.4. Feedback

7.5. Crisis Management

8. Notifications

8.1. Events (Hosted/Invite)

8.2. Calendar/Schedule

8.3. Reminders

8.4. Updates/Changes

9. PR

9.1. News

9.2. Crisis Management

9.3. Media (Photos/Videos)

10. Promotion

10.1. Product Launch

10.2. Live Updates

10.3. Giveaways/Contests/Sweepstakes

10.4. Coupons/Discounts

10.5. Sponsorship/Donations