Steps to becoming a Lawyer

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Steps to becoming a Lawyer by Mind Map: Steps to  becoming a Lawyer

1. Step 8

1.1. After first year of law school you will take the MPRE

1.1.1. To see the knowledge and understandment

2. Step 2 Graduate from High school and get diploma

3. Step 1 Junior and Senior Year (Recommended classes to take)

3.1. Writing Classes

3.1.1. Elements of Wring

3.1.2. Creative Writing

3.2. English Classes

3.2.1. Compisition I and II

3.2.2. American Heritige

3.2.3. English III and V

3.2.4. Basic Reading

3.2.5. Intro to Literature

3.3. Social Studies Classes

3.3.1. General Psycology

3.3.2. Intro to Sociology

4. Obtain a good GPA!! 3.0 is the minimum

5. Step 10 Graduate law school and find a Job

6. Step 9

6.1. Get hands on work so you can have experience

7. Step 7 Going to law school

7.1. 3 years

7.2. Some schools will not let you work the first year

7.3. Law school will drive you crazy

7.3.1. It will get into you social life and sleep schedule

7.3.2. Do not turn to alcohol or drugs

8. Step 6 Apply for Law school

8.1. Make sure you have more then one college in mind

8.1.1. separate in three categories Wish schools schools you with to get in but know you might not Middle of the road Schools that you know your about the same as every one else who applyed safety Schools you know you would get in

8.2. Need to have an undergraduate degree before you go to Law School

9. Step 5 Senior year of college take LSAT

9.1. Ask for recommendation letters

9.2. Test is about $300

10. Step 4 School after high school

10.1. Community College

10.2. University

10.2.1. You can take any class and get any major to get into a Law School Important Majors/Classes Include Political Science Business English/English Majors Economics What really matter is that you do well in those classes and find ones that you are interested in

10.3. 4-year college

10.3.1. Good idea to study the following English Public speaking government Mathematics History philosphy economics

11. Step 3 ACT and SAT Testing