Post Secondary Option

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Post Secondary Option by Mind Map: Post Secondary Option

1. College Terminology

1.1. ACT/SAT: -Tests for the knowledge in English, math, science, and social studies. -Colleges may require the results of either the ACT or SAT before granting admission.

1.2. FAFSA -The almost universal application for financial aid, including loans, grants, college work-study and other federal and state programs

1.3. Tuition: Amount paid for each credit hour of enrollment

1.3.1. Tuition does not include of fees, books, or room and board

2. Distance Education

2.1. -Available for wherever the learner is -Free of charge -Uses whatever technology the learner has

3. Universities

3.1. Larger than colleges

3.2. Grants Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree

3.3. Offers: -Two-Year/ Four-Year degrees -Graduate degrees in advanced studies beyond four years

3.4. Example of University

4. Colleges

4.1. Community College: -Public school -Offers 2 year degree program -Offers specialized job training

4.1.1. Example of Community College

4.2. Junior College: -Private school -Offers 2 year degree program -Offers specialized job training

4.2.1. Example of Junior College

4.3. Four-Year College: -Bachelors Degree -Masters Degree -Associates of Arts Degree

4.3.1. Example of Four-Year College

5. Schools

5.1. Career Schools: -Courses that are designed to prepare students for specific careers

5.2. Technical Schools: -Teach science behind the occupation

5.2.1. Example of Technical School

5.3. Vocational/ Trade Schools: -Focus on hands-on application of skills needed to do the job