Modern World History

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Modern World History by Mind Map: Modern World History

1. 1500-1700

1.1. Colonization

1.2. Reformation

1.3. Expansion and Trade

1.4. Thirty Years War

2. 1701-1800

2.1. Seven Years War

2.2. Taiping Rebellion

2.3. Opium War

2.4. American Revolution

2.5. French Revolution

3. 1801-1900

3.1. War of 1812

3.2. American Civil War

3.3. Spanish-American War

3.4. Louisiana Purchase

3.5. Sino-Japanese War

4. 1901-2000

4.1. Russo-Japanese War

4.2. World War I

4.3. Treaty of Versailles

4.4. Rise of Nazism

4.5. World War II

4.6. United Nations

4.7. Vietnam War

4.8. Civil Rights Acts

4.9. Cuban Missile Crisis

5. 2001-Present

5.1. War on Terror

5.2. September 11 Attacks