Plans After High School

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Plans After High School by Mind Map: Plans After High School

1. University

1.1. Offers Masters Degrees and and can offer advanced degrees in certain areas

2. College

2.1. Offers Bachelors Degrees and sometimes Masters Degrees and can specialize in a certain area of study

3. Trade School

3.1. Prepares you for a specific career usually takes 2 years

4. 4 Year College

4.1. Offers Bachelors degrees

5. 2 Year College

5.1. Offers Associates degrees

6. Junior College

6.1. Similar to a Community College but private

7. Public

7.1. Supported by the state.

8. Private

8.1. There to make a profit

9. Community College

9.1. 2 Years must have a High School Diploma to enter it is cheaper than a 4 year college