The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time (Characters)

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The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time (Characters) af Mind Map: The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time (Characters)

1. Mrs. Shears

1.1. Dog is dead

1.2. Divorced

1.3. Husband cheated on her

2. Siobhan

2.1. Psychologist

2.2. Christopher´s special needs school

2.3. Encouraged Christopher to write this story

2.4. Understands Christopher´s view

3. Christopher

3.1. Autistic

3.2. No feelings or emotions

3.3. Very logical

3.4. Very smart

3.5. Teenager

3.6. Feels unadapted

3.7. Doesn´t understand the world

3.8. Teenager

4. Father

4.1. Feels Lonely

4.2. Eats junk meals

4.3. Sad

5. Mother

5.1. Disappeared

5.2. In love with another man

5.3. Ran away to London