Post-Sec. Opinion

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Post-Sec. Opinion by Mind Map: Post-Sec. Opinion

1. Junior Colleges

1.1. Private Colleges

2. Career school, technical school, or vocational/trade school:

2.1. Prepare students for specific careers

2.2. receive a license, a certificate, or an associate degree

3. Public

4. Private

5. 4-Year

5.1. Grants bachelor's degree

5.2. Some colleges offer

5.2.1. Masters degree

5.2.2. 2 year associate of arts

6. College

7. University

7.1. Grants bachelor's and master's degrees

7.2. Sometimes include a liberal arts college

7.3. Large classes. Some graduated students can teach a class (Teaching Assistants)

7.4. 4-Year and 3-Year degrees as well as Graduate degrees

8. 2-Year

8.1. associate's degrees in two year liberal arts program

8.2. certificates in particular technical subjects