Forces and Structures

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Forces and Structures by Mind Map: Forces and Structures

1. Loads

1.1. Static Load

1.1.1. Live Loads For Example: A car is a live load against a bridge A load that moves and changes in magnitude

1.1.2. Dead Load The structure itself/ gravity For Example: A chair is a dead load

1.2. Dynamic Load

1.2.1. A load that can change in magnitude when it is applied

1.2.2. For Example: Winds hitting a structure

2. 4 types of strutures

2.1. Solid Structures

2.1.1. A structure that is strong, made of solid construction materials

2.1.2. Example: CN Tower

2.2. Frame Strutures

2.2.1. A structure with different parts being held together

2.2.2. Example: Eiffle Tower

2.3. Shell Structures

2.3.1. A hollow and curved structure

2.3.2. Example: Taj Mahal

2.4. Combination Structures

2.4.1. A structure containing different types of structures

2.4.2. Exmaple: Football Helmet

3. Internal Forces

3.1. Tension

3.1.1. A force that makes a structure stretch by pulling from opposite sides

3.2. Torsion

3.2.1. The twisting or turning of an object

3.3. Compression

3.3.1. A force that squeezes or pushes of opposite directions.

3.4. Shear

3.4.1. A force that bends or goes in different directions.

4. External Forces

4.1. Magnitude

4.1.1. How hard a force hits a structure

4.2. Direction

4.2.1. The way the force hits the structure (push or pull)

4.3. Point of Application

4.3.1. The place on a structure where the force is applied

4.4. Plane of Application

4.4.1. What angle did the force hit the structure