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Lawyer by Mind Map: Lawyer

1. Undergraduate Degree

1.1. 4 Years

1.2. Classes

1.2.1. Government

1.2.2. History

1.2.3. Public Speaking

1.2.4. English

1.2.5. Economics

1.2.6. Mathematics

2. Law School

2.1. 3 Years

2.2. BAR Test

2.3. LSAT

2.4. License

2.4.1. License is from juridications highest court

2.4.2. Renewal every 3 years

3. Skills Required

3.1. Interpersonal

3.1.1. Be able to keep peoples confidence.

3.2. Problem Solving

3.2.1. Able to problem solve

3.3. Analytical

3.3.1. Able to analyze situations

3.4. Research

3.4.1. Be able to prepare work to present for audience

3.5. Writing

3.5.1. Be able to write and precise specific documents.

3.6. Speaking

3.6.1. Be able to speak and present well in front of crouds

4. High School Lawyer Preparation Courses

4.1. Classes

4.1.1. General Psycology

4.1.2. Peer Help

4.1.3. Intro to Sociology

4.1.4. Economics

4.2. SAT

4.3. ACT