Hero's Journey: Holly

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Hero's Journey: Holly by Mind Map: Hero's Journey: Holly

1. Goal

1.1. Navigate House

1.2. Rescue Vienna

1.3. Defeat Lucy

2. Struggle

2.1. Game play

3. Enemies

3.1. Lucy

3.1.1. Succubus

3.2. Demons

3.3. Creatures

3.3.1. Giant Snake

3.3.2. Chimera

4. Ordinary World

4.1. High School

4.2. Lucy's Living Room

5. Call to Adventure

5.1. Vienna's Scream

5.2. Trail of Blood

5.3. Lucy's Note

6. Special World

6.1. Demon Realm (Lucy's Mansion)

6.2. Demon Creatures

6.3. Barely any light