Online Learning Ecosystem

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Online Learning Ecosystem by Mind Map: Online Learning Ecosystem

1. Administration

1.1. Policies

1.2. Budgeting

1.3. Strategic Planning

1.4. Applications

1.4.1. Email

1.4.2. Productivity Suite

1.4.3. Web 2.0 Solutions

1.4.4. Student Information Systems

1.4.5. Data Analysis Tools

2. Technology

2.1. Online Delivery

2.2. Platform Independent

2.3. On/Off Campus Access

2.4. Technology Plan

2.5. Applications

2.5.1. Email

2.5.2. Productivity Suite

2.5.3. Integrated LMS

2.5.4. Content Management (Apex)

2.5.5. ePortfolios

2.5.6. Web 2.0 Solutions

2.5.7. Student Information Systems

2.5.8. Data Analysis Tools

2.5.9. Web Site

2.5.10. SIS Portals

3. Curriculum

3.1. Common Core Standards

3.1.1. Communications

3.1.2. Creativity

3.1.3. Communications

3.1.4. Critical Thinking

3.2. Purchased and In-House Developed

4. Teachers

4.1. Professional Development/Training

4.2. Peer Collaboration

4.3. Concept Piloting

4.4. Applications

4.4.1. Email

4.4.2. Productivity Suite

4.4.3. Integrated LMS

4.4.4. Content Management (Apex)

4.4.5. Web 2.0 Solutions

4.4.6. Student Information Systems

4.5. Personal Learning Programs

5. Parents

5.1. Applications

5.1.1. Email

5.1.2. SIS Portal

5.1.3. Calling Notification Systems

5.2. Parent Support Groups (PTA)

5.3. Parent Education

6. Students

6.1. Collaboration

6.2. Applications

6.2.1. Email

6.2.2. Productivity Suite

6.2.3. Integrated LMS

6.2.4. Content Management (Apex)

6.2.5. Web 2.0 Solutions

6.2.6. SIS Portal

6.3. Personal Learning Programs

6.4. Blended Learning Environments

6.5. Virtual Classrooms

7. Community

7.1. Business Partnerships

7.2. Higher Ed Partnerships