The Body

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The Body by Mind Map: The Body

1. The Brain

1.1. Frontal Lobe

1.2. Temporal Lobe

1.3. Parietal Lobe

1.4. Spinal Cord

1.5. Thalamus

1.6. Cerebellum

2. The Heart

2.1. Pumps blood

3. Lungs

3.1. Cleans your blood

3.2. Bronchial Tubes

3.3. Diseases

3.3.1. Sleep Apnea

3.3.2. Asthma

4. Digestive System

4.1. Mouth

4.1.1. uvula

4.1.2. jawbone

4.1.3. tongue

4.2. Esophagus

4.3. Stomach

4.4. Galbladder

4.5. Intestine

4.5.1. small

4.5.2. large

4.5.3. colon

5. Pancreas

5.1. Produces Insulin

5.2. Chemically breakdown

5.2.1. protein

5.2.2. carbohydrates

5.2.3. fat

6. Liver

6.1. 2nd largest organ

6.2. Decides what's allowed throughout body