The Slums of Manila

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The Slums of Manila by Mind Map: The Slums of Manila

1. Lungs filled with fluid

2. Mother believed he just had a cough

3. was not brought to the hospital right away

4. brought to traditional doctors who treat patients with hot wax to chase away evil spirits

5. Hospital inserted a tube into Nazario's chest to drain fluid from his lungs

6. increased respiratory rate of 50-60 breaths per minute

7. Nazario, a 2 year old boy with pneumonia

8. regardless of her sickness, she is expected to work to help feed her family

9. He is fed antibiotics, easy treatment if pneumonia is caught early on

10. The body creates masses of white blood cells to fight the infection and bacteria transmitted via airborne pathogens

11. Heart and airways were recentered

12. Training Midwives like Monic

13. One doctor per 40,000 people

14. State does not pay for full cost of medication

15. Father must go out and beg for money

16. Rosalie, a 10 year old girl with pneumonia

17. Children often scavenge around dump sites and burn wood to turn into charcoal all day

18. Dirt and smoke constantly enter her lungs

19. Dr. Lulu Bravo, an expert in the fight against pneumonia

20. Campaigning that more action on part of the authorities is needed

21. observes the root causes of pneumonia to see how easy it is to be diagnosed

22. malnutrition and rapid breathing are strong indicators

23. overcrowding in an area encourages transmission of disease

24. Trying to get a vaccination into the national program

25. costs $80/shot