www.costruireweb.it Online Communication Strategy

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www.costruireweb.it Online Communication Strategy por Mind Map: www.costruireweb.it Online Communication Strategy

1. 1) Project Brief

1.1. Key direction: create a website that allows readers to learn how to create a website

1.1.1. targeted for who are not designers

1.1.2. targeted for people who is beginner

1.1.3. answer people personal web problems

1.2. Question where you are going

1.2.1. build a community of future webmasters

1.2.2. Be a reference point for italian market on "how to do websites that works;

1.2.3. have a lot of website analyzed with video

2. 2) Keyword research Analysis

2.1. My ideas: costruire siti internet creare siti internet come fare un template crare un template grafica per siti internet

2.2. Inner circle contacts & customers suggestions: analisi sito consulenze siti consulenza sito

2.3. Google data

2.3.1. Google, suggests: creare un sito gratis spazio web gratis creare un sito web creare un sito web gratis creare un sito internet creare sito creare un blog creare un forum come fare un sito gratis creare un sito come fare un blog come farsi un sito come faccio a creare un sito come si fa creare un sito web come fare un sito html come pubblicare un sito

2.3.2. Google Insights: fare un sito come fare un sito

2.3.3. Google Adword keyword tool: come fare un sito come fare un sito internet creare una pagina web come creare una pagina web come creare un sito fare un sito fare una pagina web fare un sito internet come fare un blog fare un blog SEO Guida Guida SEO Inserimento nei motori di ricerca

3. 3) Site definition and architecture

3.1. type of online destination

3.1.1. blog: news, guides and tricks

3.1.2. community: forum and direct problem-solving

3.1.3. service: let me design your website

3.2. Define theme - topic

3.2.1. Guide e Risorse per costruire siti web efficaci [IT] Guides and resources for build efficacious websites [EN]

3.2.2. www.costruireweb.it

3.2.3. Categories: come creare un sito download software web immagini per siti motori di ricerca

3.3. How to make site SEO friendly: Wordpress + All in One Seo Pack + clean urls + optimized design

3.4. technology choices: Wordpress, WP Forum, Youtube for videos.

4. 4) Editorial strategy

4.1. Type of content: guides for create websites, web software, web design: all explained for beginners that wants to achieve a pros result

4.2. Frequency: 3/weeks

4.3. Length: 1500/3000 words

4.4. Authors & Contributors: Ryuichi, Yuki

4.5. Formats: HTML + CSS - Easy write - images and, lot of examples, step-by-step guides

4.6. Multimedia: Video recordered with cam, edited in Final Cut Pro and uploaded and shared on Youtube

4.7. Resources needed: Time, personal experience

5. 5) SEO and content marketing

5.1. How to make content SEO friendly: 1. Robin's way to write titles 2. Semantic text and design 3. Plugin All-in-One-SEO for wordpress for description and keywords 4. Matteo Ionescu's POP suggestion for Wordpress in POP articles, what to index and what should be not 5. Check with google webmaster tools 6. Sitemap Generation for Google 7. Sitemap for users

5.2. Text: Written simple: me to you

5.3. Video - audio: embed my youtube videos - ask gurus if I can embed them too with credits

5.4. Content distribution: website, aggregators, monthly PDF resources

5.5. RSS + syndication: Feedburner, Twitter, Facebook, Forum

5.6. licensing: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

6. 6) Community building

6.1. Create real value: 1) examine your site for free: ask your personal questions solve your personal web problems. All recorded with a video and embedded in periodical articles 2) List and download of web software with tutorials and test. 3) Lots of simple tutorials

6.2. Offer unique gifts: 1) resources for web developing and design that I have made 2) Personal consulence - free

6.3. Build a list: download my PDF? [TO DO/REFINE]

6.4. Leverage newsletter - for subscribers? [TO DO/REFINE]

6.5. Forum - community - social media: 1) Embedded forum with unique login for website/forum 2) Facebook 3) Twitter

6.6. Engage fans: 1) personal experience live in "examine your website" 2) Publicize their website 3) Make questions in forum that makes thinking (hard to explain here :-) )