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colombia by Mind Map: colombia

1. barranquilla

1.1. beach and santa marta

1.2. carnival and parade

1.3. vendor and dancer

1.4. bike and flett

2. boyaca

2.1. _boat and horse

2.2. -brigde the boyaca and public the market

2.3. hallowen and new year

2.3.1. conducting and rural

3. bogota

3.1. air pline and motocycle

3.1.1. lawyer and taxi driver

3.2. easter week and day the no cart

3.2.1. Define actions as necessary

3.3. monserrate and museum the gold

4. tolima

4.1. motocycletaxi and bike

4.2. chossis and concert

4.3. ibague and river

4.4. vendor and milch

5. cartagena

5.1. castle the cartagena and tourist center

5.1.1. train and cart

5.2. carnival and 31 the december

5.3. doctor a nurse

6. medellin

6.1. 7 the december and zoo

6.2. police and veterinary

6.2.1. Schedule

6.2.2. Budget

6.3. esquare and swing pool

6.3.1. taxi and metter