What is Congestive Heart Failure?

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What is Congestive Heart Failure? by Mind Map: What is Congestive Heart Failure?

1. Volume Overload: heart cannot pump strong enough to deliver the blood efficiently to the next organs. Preceding organs will experience congestion. ex. Lucy and Ethel aren't fast enough to keep up with the assembly line! http://youtu.be/-ZmwIVAfHaM

2. Overview of Circulation

3. right ventricle

4. systolic

4.1. contractility

4.1.1. MI

4.1.2. infection

4.1.3. ventricular remodeling

4.1.4. Normal vs. Atrial Fibrillation

4.1.5. substance abuse

4.2. preload

4.2.1. Starling's law

4.2.2. Law of LaPlace

4.3. afterload

4.3.1. vasoconstriction RAAS SNS

5. diastolic

5.1. thick rigid ventricle caused by

5.1.1. chronic hypertension

5.1.2. increased afterload

6. left ventricle