
Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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Memory by Mind Map: Memory

1. Study Tips

1.1. Pay attention to what you are hearing or reading.

1.2. Study and test yourself until you understand everything.

1.3. Look for connections between your life and your courses material.

1.4. Get organized.

1.5. Collaborate with others.

2. Short-Term Memory

2.1. Stores information for about 30 seconds.

2.2. Can contain from five to nine pieces of information at a time.

2.3. Information is either forgotten or moved to your long-term memory.

3. Long-Term Memory

3.1. Procedural Memory

3.1.1. Knowing how to do something like playing an instrument or doing a problem.

3.2. Semantic Memory

3.2.1. Involves facts and meanings, leaving out where and when you learned these things.

3.3. Episodic Memory

3.3.1. Deals with particular events, their time, and their place.

4. Mnemonics

4.1. Acronyms are new words created from the first letters of several different words.

4.2. Acrostics are where certain letters of each word or line form a message or sentence.

4.3. Putting information you want to remember into a familiar jingle or a catchy tune will make it easier to recall later.

4.4. Associating words, concepts, or stories with visual images can help bring what information you want to remember with just an image in your head. The more ridiculous the image, the more likely you are to remember it, for it will stick out in your head more.

5. Administration

5.1. Deadlines

5.2. Contacts