Chapter 1 of Petey

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Chapter 1 of Petey by Mind Map: Chapter 1 of Petey

1. Text-to-Self Connections

1.1. Petey wasn't loved by his older siblings

1.1.1. My brother tried to sell me in the newspaper.

1.2. Trevor moved to a new place and had no friends at school.

1.2.1. I have moved before and had to make new friends.

2. Text-To-Text Connections

2.1. This book teaches about empathy.

2.1.1. When we read Long Walk to Water, we felt empathy for Salva too.

3. Text-to-World Connections

3.1. In real history (1920s), people with cerebral palsy were put in insane asylums instead of given physical and speech therapy like they do now.