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Electricity by Mind Map: Electricity

1. Where does Electricity come from?

1.1. I think you need can make Electricity with water and wind.

1.2. Electricity comes from a power plant, sometimes.

2. Questions I have about Electricity?

2.1. I want to know how its made and where it comes from and if Electricity is the most dangerous thing on earth.

3. What Is Electricity?

3.1. Electricity is one of the most important things to us.

3.2. I learnt about more Conductors and Insulators and I also learnt that we could use copper and steel, when you put it inside this blue liquid the colour of the copper will stick to the steel and when you do it again the steel will get cleaned and the copper will get the colour again.

4. How does Electricity work?

4.1. Static Electricity: I learnt that when you rub plastic on your shirt you can pick up small pieces of paper and you can ben water!

4.2. Parallel circuits and Series circuits: Parallel circuits are the type of circuits you use at home or school. Series circuits are when there are 2 or more bulbs.

5. What needs Electricity to work?

5.1. Lot of things need Electricity to work like computers, ipads and anything thats electrical.