Electromagnetic waves

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Electromagnetic waves by Mind Map: Electromagnetic waves

1. Radiowaves

1.1. Longest wavelength

1.2. Smallest energy (photon)

1.3. Used for radios, recreation, remote control, space telescope

2. Infra-red waves

2.1. Non-visible

2.2. molecules resonate when exposed to wave, can be considered heat waves, sun and light bulbs emit IR waves.

2.3. TV, lasers, satellite telescope, IR goggles that pick up IR from our bodies at night.

3. Ultraviolet

3.1. wavelength range is 4000 to 10 A

3.2. UV rays cause skin to brown, produce vitamin D which is good for the body

3.3. harmful, ozone layer absorbs UV radiation, wavelength smaller than 3000 A are the most dangerous.

3.4. UV sterilizer, disinfection, water purification

4. X-ray

4.1. pass through materials that absorb light

4.2. knock electrons loose from atoms

4.3. non visible, highly energetic form of light

4.4. Used in medicine

5. Sound Waves

5.1. form of energy that is produced by vibrating sources placed in a medium, Longitudinal mechanical wave.

5.2. requires medium to travel, medium affects speed of sound waves. Sound waves cannot pass through a vacuum (bell jar experiment)

5.3. speed of sound proportional to T^1/2

5.4. Sound travels faster when humidity increases

5.5. Humans can only hear 20-20000 Hz

6. Microwaves

6.1. Wavelength range about 3.0cm to 1.0mm

6.2. molecules vibrate and rotate when exposed to microwaves, water is polar and wants to align with wave. water has enough energy to make it move up an energy level, thus water becomes hot.

6.3. used in short wave radios ( they travel faster ), mobile phones.

7. Visible light

7.1. only wave detectable by humans

8. Gamma ray

8.1. highest energy, short wavelength (10^-11 m to 10^-13 m)

8.2. caused by radioactive decay produced by nuclear fission.

8.3. more energetic than X-rays, dangerous, can kill living cells, example Nuclear bomb.

8.4. used in medicine, eliminate malignant cells

9. ALL travel at 3 x 10^8 m s^-1 in vacuum

10. Consists of electrical and magnetic fields oscillating perpendicularly and the direction of wave propagation is perpendicular to both fields.

11. Red longest wavelength in nanometers, violet is the shortest.