Inhorn Ch. 2 & 3

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Inhorn Ch. 2 & 3 by Mind Map: Inhorn Ch. 2 & 3

1. Three tiered class structure

1.1. Upper Class: Generates excess income for multiple reproductive treatments.

1.1.1. Can afford and have the connections to travel abroad for treatment if need be.

1.2. Middle Class: Possessions can be liquidated to afford at least one reproductive treatment.

1.2.1. Salaries alone are to low to afford treatment so assets must be sold and loans from family members must be borrowed.

1.3. Lower Class: No excess resources for infertility services. Dependent upon charity.

1.3.1. Rarely will someone from this class have access to IVF or ICSI. If taken on as a charity case often In vitro fertilization is chosen due to lower cost.

2. Competing theories of conception

2.1. Monogenetic- Sperm provides most or all of genetic material .

2.1.1. View held by the poorer and therefore less educated.

2.2. Duogenetic- Sperm and Ovum both equally provide genetic material.

2.2.1. View held by the middle and upper classes due to more access to education and scientific information.