Has the WA Government got its policy on shark protection right?

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Has the WA Government got its policy on shark protection right? by Mind Map: Has the WA Government got its policy on shark protection right?

1. Shark Response Unit, Surf Life Saving WA and Alert procedures

1.1. Mark Kleeman- Shark Monitoring Network Project

1.2. Evidence of increased shark numbers, migration/feeding changes changes,

2. A WA government initiative consists of baited drum lines, Coastal Shark management Zones, "Tool Kit" approach, A community recovery policy

2.1. drum lines, versus tagging methods inhumane methods

2.2. Pro's and cons of shark monitoring. How to reduce the risk of shark interaction and protect community.

2.3. Reducing shark risk

3. WA government policy

3.1. community protection

3.2. method of shark culling

4. Essay Plan

5. Arguments against shark protection

6. To provide factual evidence on whether the WA government has got its policy on shark protection right.

6.1. Provide the evidence from the WA government policy and fisheries Department

6.1.1. Collect factual research initiatives from both WA Government and Fisheries Department

6.2. Obtain a copy of the WA government policy

6.3. WA government policy

7. Prioritize Ideas

8. Shark Analysers

9. Government Methods

10. Alert procedures

11. Measures to combat shark risk

12. Community protection versus shark protection

12.1. community reactions shark attack victims.

12.2. Human life versus animal protection

12.3. The preservation of human life compared to shark life

13. The natural ecosystem. What happens if we depleat sharks from our waters.

13.1. Decrease in shark population concern for natural ecosystem

13.2. Do sharks provide a natural ecosystem. Should sharks be monitored for health and science cures

13.3. Compare shark numbers in other areas of the world and what other nations do to protect their community

14. Look up the Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Act

14.1. "Sea Shepherd" Jeff Jansen view and opinions

15. The scientific research

16. Arguments for shark protection

17. Community Reactions

18. Environmental Acts