it's shocking


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it's shocking by Mind Map: it's shocking

1. electricity used at home

1.1. vaccum

1.2. Xbox

1.3. TV

1.4. apple TV

1.5. toaster

1.6. microwave

1.7. ds

1.8. 3ds

1.9. Fictional charictors

1.9.1. pikachu

1.10. fan

2. both

2.1. mac books

2.2. lights

2.3. AC

3. how to make circut

3.1. battery

3.2. light bulb

3.3. wre

4. static electriceity

4.1. if you rub a balloon across you hair there will be static electricity

4.2. if you put your hands on a van de graph generator your hair will come up

5. electriceity used at school

5.1. interactive white board

5.2. pogector

5.3. speecer

6. electricity tour things

6.1. generator

6.2. underground wire

6.3. thet transformer

6.4. powering room

6.5. electrical riser

6.6. grade 3-5