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Electricity by Mind Map: Electricity

1. What is electricity?

1.1. Technology

2. what do you need electricity for (school) ?

2.1. AC

2.2. Light

2.3. Attractive board

2.4. Laptops

2.5. I pads

2.6. I pod touch

2.7. Macs

2.8. transformer - we have 4 transformers at school

3. a part of a circit is like a recycaling prosses it traveels through awire and example gives energy to the light bulb it travlls through it and then it comes out the other side the battary gives it energy.

3.1. wire

3.2. battery

3.3. light bulb

4. Static Electrcity

4.1. still electricity

4.2. stays in a spot

4.3. oppasite -current is flowing electricity

5. static -still electrticity

6. I phone

7. what do you need electricity for (House) ?

7.1. I pad

7.2. AC

7.3. TV

7.4. fan

7.5. light

8. How do we get Electricity at school ( UWCSEA)

8.1. under ground

8.2. in to a room where there are some of tranformers

8.3. it goes into the switches room

9. types of electricity

9.1. current - flowing electricity