Openstack participation

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Openstack participation by Mind Map: Openstack participation

1. Non technical people

2. Corporations

2.1. sponsorship

2.2. gold membership

2.3. platinum membership

2.4. developers

3. Developers

3.1. tools

3.1.1. gerrit

3.1.2. launchpad

3.1.3. IRC

3.1.4. storyboard

3.1.5. wiki

3.2. code

3.3. code reviews

3.4. submitting bugs

3.5. fixing bugs

4. Operators

4.1. march 2014 summit

4.2. submitting bugs

4.3. reviewing project blueprints

4.4. lurking in IRC meetings

5. This is a long running effort to get the attention of right people that are interested in OpenStack and keep their attention and interest. Find the work here we have put together so far.

6. OpenStack Juno talk

7. skill transistion

7.1. release operator

7.1.1. agile operator

7.2. release developer

7.2.1. agile developer

7.3. new to openstack

7.3.1. experienced with openstack tools

7.4. non-sponsoring corporation

7.4.1. sponsoring corporation

7.5. operator with no openstack skills

7.5.1. openstack operator

7.6. developer with no openstack skills

7.6.1. openstack developer

8. training

9. wiki table outlining participation

10. html based tool that tracks steps completed in skill transition

10.1. first step create user portal

10.2. last step to follow new openstack portal users in skill transition from n00b to experienced