Brainstorming Ideas for My Story

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Brainstorming Ideas for My Story by Mind Map: Brainstorming Ideas for My Story

1. What brings them together?

1.1. An accident

1.2. Girl runs away from home

1.3. Girl is kidnapped

1.4. Old man gives the siblings a gift

1.4.1. Money?

1.4.2. A dog?

1.5. Boy finds something that belongs to the old man

1.5.1. That starts the adventure

2. Character 1

2.1. Teenage boy

2.2. Big brother

2.2.1. Always looks out for sister

2.2.2. Very protective

2.3. Struggles to finish school while working part time in a restaurant

2.3.1. They need more money

2.4. Very responsible

3. The Adventure

3.1. Are they looking for something?

3.1.1. Hidden treasure A sunken ship?

3.1.2. An answer

3.1.3. Find the truth about something The old man's past The siblings' parents

3.2. Are they running from something?

3.2.1. Is the old man's past catching up to him?

3.3. There must be water

3.3.1. Lake

3.3.2. Ocean

3.3.3. Grotto

3.3.4. Lagoon

3.3.5. Heavy rain

3.3.6. Tsunami

4. The Lesson

4.1. Friendship is more important than money

4.2. Don't trust strangers

4.3. If you work hard you will succeed

4.4. Good things happen to good people

4.5. Never give up

4.6. There's a reason for everything

5. Assignment

5.1. Write a short story

5.2. Minimum 500 words

5.3. Must include

5.3.1. An adventure

5.3.2. An unexpected turn of events

5.3.3. At least 3 characters

5.3.4. A lesson to be learned

6. Character 2

6.1. The little girl

6.2. Smart

6.3. Cheeky

6.4. Brave

6.4.1. But scared of water Doesn't know why Has something to do with her past

6.5. Lost her parents when she was just a baby

6.6. Was raised by big brother

7. Character 3

7.1. Old man

7.2. Very wise

7.3. Has a dark secret

7.3.1. Should the readers know the secret from the start?

7.4. Always smokes a pipe

7.5. Has a nervous habit

8. Unexpected Turn of Events

8.1. They thought they could trust him, but they were wrong

8.2. Someone is not who he pretends to be

8.3. The siblings find out about the man's secret

8.3.1. He's their grandfather

8.3.2. He's their parents' killer

8.3.3. He used to know their parents

8.3.4. The siblings aren't actually related

8.4. What they were looking for turns out to be the opposite of what they thought it was

8.5. The siblings distrust the old man (and the reader thinks he's evil) but then he saves the little girl from drowning