The Revolutionary War

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The Revolutionary War by Mind Map: The Revolutionary War

1. The Patriots

1.1. Wanted better representation

1.2. Wanted lower taxes

1.2.1. "No taxation without representation"

1.3. Wanted more independence

2. British Government

2.1. Tight control over American colonies

2.2. Unfair representation in parliament

2.3. High Taxation

2.4. Restrictive acts

2.4.1. The Townshend Acts

2.4.2. The Quartering Acts

2.4.3. The Stamp Act

3. Patriot Actions

3.1. The Continental Congress

3.2. The Sons of Liberty

3.3. The Boston Tea Party

3.3.1. Again, "No taxation without representation"

3.3.2. The breaking point for the Revolution

4. Rise to Freedom

4.1. War broke out in 1775

4.2. George Washington

4.2.1. Commander of Continental army

4.2.2. Future leader of the free nation

4.3. Declaration of Independence 1776

4.4. Treaty of Paris 1783