Multiculturalism - GB,USA and Germany

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Multiculturalism - GB,USA and Germany por Mind Map: Multiculturalism - GB,USA and Germany

1. learn from one another, living in diverse

2. benefit from multiculturalism

3. "We celebrate the diversity in our country, get strength from the cultures and the races that go to make up Britain today." (Prime Minister Tony Blair, 2 October 2001)

4. “Among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know.” (Yousuf Ali)

5. Why multiculturalism?

6. Neue Idee

7. achievements of women, people of color, or people from outside the tradition of Western civilization

7.1. dominated multilateral trade negotiations

8. global issues and differences are best resolved multilaterally

9. racial discrimination and political persecution

10. the USA

11. religious persecution and civil war

12. Human diversity as one of the Signs of God

13. Multiculturalism in . . .

13.1. Great Britain

13.1.1. mixed race society

13.2. jhh

13.2.1. globally diffused blueprint

13.2.2. result of all types of immigration