Q4. To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be implemented on soft drinks and junk food

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Q4. To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be implemented on soft drinks and junk food by Mind Map: Q4. To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be implemented on soft drinks and junk food

1. Negative effect of fast food on people

1.1. Oily food , overweight

1.2. Heart problems

1.3. Unbalanced nutrients. Generally lead to less resistance of illness

1.4. The more you eat , the less life you will have,.

1.5. fast food uses unverified way of cooking that may have undesired and strange effects ( Genetically modified)

2. Positive effects of such action on people

2.1. Have the motivation to eat healthier

2.2. Generally healtiher

3. Positive effects of such action on government

3.1. Higher tax income( Not intentional)

3.2. Healthier city

3.3. Save resources form medical care

4. People may want to complain this action about

4.1. Eat is one's nature needs

4.2. We should have our own food choice without extra penalty

4.3. The government have another excuses for getting more tax

4.4. The government have another excuses for getting more tax

5. Why fast food are tasty

5.1. Extra oil

5.2. Extra flavor including extremely spicy and salty

5.3. Soft drinks are so sweet in taste

6. Examples that is fast food

6.1. Hamberger

6.2. French Fries

6.3. Cola cola

7. Examples that are not fast food

7.1. Coca beans and/or coffee

7.2. (Pure) Apple juice

7.3. Fried rice

8. Other rather irrelevant effects given by the action

8.1. Fast food shops decease in amount

8.2. (Generally ) Decrease the amount of restaurant available for choice

9. Healthy eating definition

9.1. Balanced

9.2. less additives

9.3. as natural as possible

10. Alternative solutions

10.1. Motivate Fast food stores to increase their prices

10.2. Decrease the tax of healthy /nature food

11. If extra tax is made , for example up to $25 it is still comparatively attractive

12. Aim

12.1. Tax can make running business of this type more difficulty

12.1.1. Decrease the amount of fast food store available

12.2. Tax can increase the prize of fast food when purchasing

12.2.1. People will less prefer to buy fast food because of the increase of price

13. Why people buy fast food

13.1. Some people buy fast food simply because they are tasty

13.2. Comparing to healthy food , fast food is often far less expensive

13.3. As the name suggest , fast food is , in fact, faster to be served comparing to other resturant

13.4. Fast food is available world-wide and people need not worry their quality , as they are always the same

14. Possible positive effects on people

14.1. People will be encouraged to take their time to have some healthy food.

14.2. Since fast food will no longer be cheap , the motivation to consume fast food about economical reasons will not be valid anymore.

14.3. For people who would like to save money , they will try give up on fast food.

15. Potential negative effects on government given by fast food

15.1. Resources needed for medical care for unhealthy people

15.2. Negative tourists' impression : Unhealthy city

16. Negative effects given by the action on people

16.1. Food will be less tasty

16.2. Potential slower food

16.3. As they have to purchase rather high quality food , food price increases

16.4. People will be unhappy because of the fact that some people love fast food

16.5. Poor people can't enjoy fast food

17. Current facts

17.1. There is in fact no extra tax for fast food currently

17.2. In 2012 the total fast food sales in USA is 160 billion , where all types of food is 660billion , Account for approximately one-forth of the total sale

18. Difficulties to impleiment

18.1. Hard to strictly define what is actually soft drinks and junk food

18.2. If one simply count on the type , it will be extremely difficult

19. Effectiveness of such tax

19.1. MacDonald sell set lunch for approximately $21

19.2. the price should be increased to $33 or $36 for it to be effective

19.3. Increasing by 1 or 5 doesn't cause much difference

19.4. That is a 40% tax rate which is obviously too much