Influence of technology on SG Youth - on what aspects of these youths? be specific

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Influence of technology on SG Youth - on what aspects of these youths? be specific by Mind Map: Influence of technology on SG Youth - on what aspects of these youths? be specific

1. Negative impact

1.1. Addiction to technology - why?

1.2. Inability to distinguish priorities when too youth is too engrossed in technology

1.3. Poor time management eventually leading to poor discipline in terms of studies

1.4. Overdependence on online sources - why is this a negative impact? Explain

2. Positive impact

2.1. Accessibility to information is now faster

2.2. Exposed to a wider range of information - why is this a positive impact?

2.3. Increases online communication - why is this a positive impact?

3. Task Statement

3.1. To suggest ways to expand positive impact and diminish negative impact of influence of technology on Singaporean youth

4. Bibliography

4.1. Sikun, N. A. (2013, November 24). Columnist. Retrieved 3 17, 2014, from New Straits Time:

4.2. Kok, L. (2009, November 30). Education. Retrieved from Asia One:

4.3. Liau, A. K. (2005, December 8). Retrieved from PubMed

4.4. Lim, L. H., & Theng, Y.-L. (n.d.). Retrieved from

5. Existing Solutions

5.1. Students were more exposed to new media as an entertainment and communication choice. Media literacy skills the students were developing were more for media consumption than creative expression and production - this isn't an existing solution, this is a benefit, can you show me a solution that is proposed and tell me why it worked and didn't work?

5.2. Not confident with rapidly changing technologies, and hence a lack of media production skills to enable them to produce meaningful media content confidently - this is still a negative impact rather than an evaluation of existing solutions.