Chapter 8 and 9 Inhorn

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Chapter 8 and 9 Inhorn by Mind Map: Chapter 8 and 9 Inhorn

1. Wives

1.1. Shahira second wife of Moustafa / Hala first wife: infertility problems / upset if wife does not get pregnant in Egypt

1.2. Infertility issue with Moustafa / ICSI pregnant with twins / read in many ways

1.3. gender dynamics are within the marriage themselves

1.4. New technologies could create marital turmoil

2. Children

2.1. Children are a norm in Egypt

2.2. Everyone want children to complete the household

2.3. Put children first, even before careers sometimes

2.4. Motherhood is a natural part of life

2.5. Women who are at IVF centers use terms to describe their infertility such as "depression" "exhaustion" etc.

2.6. Hegemonic Masculinities

2.7. Women often cover up husband's infertility

3. Marriage

3.1. Marriage is highly valued

3.2. Marriage is protection for a man and a woman

3.3. Unstable until the child is born

4. Divorce

4.1. Doctors try not to get involved with marriages

4.2. Sometimes women blame the men more

4.3. "Hope technology" "Forced fertilization"

4.4. IVF,ICSI makes men seem intractable

4.5. Fertility decline in women by age 30

4.6. 4 difficult options with an elderly wife

4.7. Success rate? Is it worth it?

5. Weaknesses

5.1. Areas you should avoid?

5.2. What are some weaknesses seen by other companies?

6. Secrets?

6.1. Pain and suffering is a cause of not having children for many women / invasive surgery for Maisa / "biggest mistake possible" - tubes permanently obstructed

6.2. Visited the first Egyptian IVF center to ask about test-tube babies

6.3. succeeded in becoming pregnant with ICSI in second treatment

7. Stigma?

7.1. IVF seeking intertile couples want secrecy

7.2. "Double stigmatization?"

7.3. many have lived the experience of infertility and label it as alienation / fertile people are insensitive

7.4. participants use words such as failure and defective about infertility

7.5. 1) few men publicly reveal their reproductive failing and allow their wives to take the blame 2) men rarely feel under marital threats 3) men are rarely reminded of their diminishing manhood

7.6. elite men of egypt shut down invasions of privacy / IVF seekers want to avoid gossip / fears of envy

7.7. IVF seekers keep family out of it in order to not have them "worry and wait" / do not want family and friends to have disappointment from a failed trial

8. Disclosure

8.1. To tell or not to tell?

8.2. disclosure dilemas are indirectly the issue of denotation

8.3. Who is to trust? Some decide to tell one family member, some do not share with the family at all

8.4. Few couples tell friends / majority of women maintain their secrecy / many psychological consequences about disclosure

8.5. Stigma of support? Public?