WP 4 - Businesses - Portugal

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WP 4 - Businesses - Portugal by Mind Map: WP 4 - Businesses - Portugal

1. Companies unconscious of their social profit market potential

2. Intermediaries - organisations promoting technology

2.1. Taguspark

2.2. UPTEC

2.3. Coimbra iParque

2.4. Pólo Tecnológico do Algarve

2.5. Parkurbis

3. Companies in assistive technologies


3.2. Universities Porto, Coimbra and Lisboa

3.3. Fraunhofer AICOS

3.4. CAPS Centro de Analise e Processamento de Sinais

4. Organisations promoting accessibility

4.1. Architects association (OA)

4.2. Engineers association (OE)

4.3. CERTIC - Centro de Engenharia de Reabilitação e Acessibilidade