1. games
1.1. Iphone apps
1.1.1. programming
1.1.2. Programming is getting easier
1.2. http://www.instituteofplay.com/
1.3. robotics
1.4. Scratch
1.4.1. http://scratch.mit.edu/
1.5. Alice 3D
1.6. Starlogo
1.6.1. http://education.mit.edu/starlogo/
2. twitter
2.1. Professional development with other teachers
2.1.1. 900 connections breeze through don't know answer to kids question why do we multiply binominals noone else in my school knew it
2.2. outside of school
3. Is it cheating?
3.1. Does web 2.0 cheapen general Knowledge
3.2. What information needs to be committed to memory?
3.3. Can you offload all knowledge to computers and the cloud?
3.4. Is information cheap?
4. Glen uses classroom blogs 2-5 times a week
4.1. http://inside.sfschool.org/users/gkenyon
4.1.1. You don't need to login but will have to click cancel twice
4.2. post Problem of the week blog
4.2.1. no longer lost papers
4.2.2. math is a social process
4.2.3. kids during my class kids write more
5. The tools are not being developed for education we need to adapt them.
5.1. Questions
5.1.1. value added gaining time? gaining skills? raising the bar
5.2. We need to use the ones that are out there
5.3. easy fit
5.4. not force fit
5.5. we don't buy software anymore
6. Moodle
6.1. Journals
6.1.1. Fourms
7. Middle school especially concerns of "digital citizenship"
7.1. how far to let it go when kids push the limits
7.2. the more we doi it as professional student work the more respectful
7.2.1. buisness voice vs social voice
8. wiki vs. blogs vs. google docs
8.1. Wiki
8.1.1. www.pbworks.com 4th grade Humanities
8.2. blogs
8.2.1. copy paste to a blog from google docs
8.3. google docs
8.3.1. 6th grade collaborative project all kids at same time efficiency you can check who did the work makes me a better teacher because it takes away the kid's excuses;-"I did it all" the computer tracking changes is neutral not spyingl
8.3.2. In the cloud http://googledocs.blogspot.com/