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Soo Podcamp por Mind Map: Soo Podcamp

1. Question / Comment Wall

1.1. 2-3 questions on chart paper

1.2. Blank sheets on walls around the room

1.3. Markers

2. Sessions

2.1. Post grid with talks

2.2. Label rooms

2.3. Helper for presenter in each room

3. Media

3.1. Live stream team

3.1.1. Session rooms

3.1.2. Circle room at start and end of day

3.2. Photographer

3.3. Videographer

3.4. Participants

3.4.1. Upload, tag photos to Flickr

3.4.2. Upload, tag videos to YouTube

3.5. Twitter wall in circle room

4. Intro

4.1. Podcamp history

4.2. Law of two feet

4.3. Wifi

4.4. How to help tell the story of Soo Podcamp

4.5. Schedule

5. Day Before

5.1. Test wifi, projectors

5.2. Set up materials

6. Faces of SooPodcamp

6.1. Flip cam on a tripod

6.2. Introduce self

6.3. Answer a question

7. Prize for top presenter

7.1. Ballots for each participant

8. Registration

8.1. Printed sheet from online registrations

8.2. Table

8.3. Blank name tags

8.3.1. Name

8.3.2. Twitter id

8.3.3. Area of interest/knowledge

8.4. Markers, pens

9. Food

9.1. Registration time

9.2. Snacks

9.3. Lunch

10. Other

10.1. Post location map

10.1.1. Sessions

10.1.2. Washrooms

10.2. Post wifi access

10.3. Post hashtag

10.4. Support contact for wifi, projectors

11. Closing

11.1. Feedback

11.2. What's next

11.2.1. Ignite Sault

11.2.2. Change Camp

11.2.3. Start your own event how-to

12. Evening Party

12.1. Hitch onto fun event

12.1.1. Live music?

12.2. Dinner

12.2.1. Sponsor for appetizers at a bar?