by Ryu Guy Blanka
1. Release Date
1.1. Unveiling Of iSlate
1.1.1. in January 27 2010 Apple will show all features,release date , and the price of the iSlate etc.
1.2. March or April
2. Rumored Features
2.1. OLED Screen
2.2. Multi-touch screen
2.3. Face recognition
2.4. E-books
2.5. 3G connection
2.6. Powered by a fast ARM CPU
3. Size
3.1. W:11 inches
3.2. L:10.6 inches
4. iSlate PBworks URL
5. Want more info?>>>
5.1. Info 2>>>
6. $Rumored Prices of the iSlate$
6.1. $1000-$1500
6.1.1. OLED Screen
6.2. $800
6.2.1. 3G connection