“The Importance of Display in the Primary Classroom”

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“The Importance of Display in the Primary Classroom” von Mind Map: “The Importance of Display in the Primary Classroom”

1. can be used to record pupil and class progress, topics covered

1.1. might also record student awards

2. an exciting environment makes for an excited child

2.1. children should feel loved, and felt loved by, the place in which they learn

3. locate displays meant for children at their eye level wherever possible

3.1. this gives the child a sense of ownership, especially if it is their work that is on display

4. show an awareness of the difference between a good display and a poor one

5. the value of a display lies in its ability to convey ideas and concepts in an attractive, effective and economical way

6. child involvement in the process of creating a display

6.1. refer to displays during lessons

6.2. involving children in the process of making a display that ties into the lesson helps to enliven the classroom with the subjects being studied

6.3. can add to displays

6.3.1. this can reinforce the lesson and keep the display current and interesting

6.4. opportunity for colloaborative work

6.5. older children can be involved in putting up displays themselves

6.5.1. but need to be taught how to do this well and some supervision will be necessary

6.6. can increase children's sense of ownership and pride in the display

6.7. pupils should be given the opportunity to contribute their own ideas to making a creative and stimulating display

7. design guidelines

7.1. it is about clarity, defined intentions and about putting yourself in the position of the students

7.2. when you design a display you need to be clear what you want viewers to get from it

7.3. when designs are not well thought out, even though it may all look good from our point of view, pupils get frustrated, confused, or even angry

8. What is the purpose of display in the primary classroom?

8.1. to extend children's learning

8.2. celebrates

8.3. stimulates

8.4. informs

8.5. encourage children to interact with their environment

8.6. to be used as a learning resource for children

9. Should poorer or less visual work be included?

9.1. poor work should be included

9.1.1. should not exclude children's work if they have made the effort

9.2. could lower children's self-esteem if their work is never included

9.3. the display of children's work is an aspect of display that is so important that it deserves special consideration - requires careful consideration

9.3.1. it is a powerful way of showing children that their work is valued it creates a sense of achievement it can vastly enhance pupil motivation

9.4. the display of pupil's work needs to be approached sensitively

9.4.1. it is important that some students do not feel excluded or failures because their work has not been displayed it should be a target to ensure that all students have a piece of their work on display somewhere can be achieved by having an 'all class' display that includes one piece of work from each student OR a space for each student to display his or her BEST piece of work

9.5. displays should celebrate effort as well as perfect work

9.6. displaying pupil's work can help pupils to appreciate their own work and the work of others

9.7. whilst some children's work will be more visually pleasing than others..

10. teachers should create displays and use them effectively for educational, management, and other purposes

11. classroom display can be used to promote active learning

12. displays can be used to promote classroom managment

12.1. e.g. routines, responsibilities, tasks and rules

13. displays can form part of record keeping

14. a stimulating environment makes for a stimulated child

14.1. cannot be emphasised enough

14.2. environment can have a large impact on children's learning

14.3. children who feel engaged in their classroom are more receptive

15. a well thought-out learning space makes children more likely to want to learn

16. highlight the importance of creating a lively learning environment and of highlighting children’s achievements

17. include examples of display work

17.1. should be referred to in text

17.2. science display made interactive- good for kineasthetic learners - children were very interested

18. display as a learning tool

18.1. another key to making displays meaningful for children is to use them as learning tools, not just in their content but in their creation

19. we live in a very visual culture

19.1. we can borrow some of these design strategies to make school displays more effective

19.2. all day long we are surrounded by advertisements and other images that are designed to catch and keep our attention

20. What considerations should govern the selection of topics and materials for display?

20.1. relevance of topic

20.2. does the topic capture children's interest?

20.3. does it relate to previous work?

20.4. can the topic be made cross curricular? - are there any cross-curricular links?

20.5. appropriateness of materials

20.6. does the display reinforce what the children have been learning?

20.7. the current focus of learning

20.8. children's interestes can be a topic for display

20.9. use of contrasting colours to catch children's eyes

21. How far should the teacher actually be involved in the creation of displays?

21.1. the teacher should be involved to a certain extent

21.2. the teacher should play a significant role in initiating and instigating the children's work

21.3. the teacher should inform the TA how they wish for the display to be displayed in the classroom and/or discuss this with the TA

22. What are the rules for creating visually satisfying displays?

22.1. colourful

22.2. attractive

22.3. visually stimulating

22.4. appropriate space

22.5. appropriate arrangement

22.6. engaging

23. Should work be created specially for display?

23.1. I argue that work should not be created specifically for displays

23.1.1. the proces that children go through when forming their pieces of work should benefit them in relation to gaining subject knowledge and understanding

23.1.2. needs to be a learning process for the children not just something they have to do to make the classroom look pretty

23.2. children need to recognise the purpose of the work

23.3. although forming work to create a display can encourage children to do their best work and concentrate on their presentation

23.3.1. however, it is important to note that the focus should not just be on the presentation, it should be mainly the content the children are producing

24. reasons for making displays

24.1. displays can be decorative

24.1.1. they can make the classroom brighter and a more interesting and stimulating place this, itself can have a direct impact on pupil motivation and thus on pupil learning

24.2. display materials can include useful direct teaching aids

24.2.1. can help to make the teacher more effective

24.3. display materials can include supplementary teaching aids that simply enrich or reinforce what is being taught

24.3.1. helping to bring the subject "to life"

24.4. displays can take the form of useful reference material to support pupil learning

24.4.1. e.g. letters of the alphabet and number lines

24.5. display material can include information that is important for children to memorise

24.5.1. such as number tables, spellings and other important factual information children also tend to learn the material simply because it is displayed and there for them to look at

24.6. displays can be used to 'set the scene' for a new teaching topic

24.6.1. an effective way to introduce a new topic with the idea to promote pupil interest in the topic that is going to be taught and get them thinking about the topic might be displayed before the teaching begins

24.7. can be a means of reporting on, and recording, the work that has been undertaken

24.7.1. used to form the central basis of a piece of class work or a topic

24.8. displays can be part of some ongoing work e.g. an investigation

24.9. displays can be used to stimulate and create pupil interest

24.9.1. also to enhance pupil interest

24.10. can be used to communicate to others what the class have been doing

24.10.1. other teachers, official school visitors, headteacher, paremts, etc

25. http://www.davidsmawfield.com/assets/img/classroom-display-handbook.pdf

26. http://www.davidsmawfield.com/assets/img/classroom-display-handbook.pdf