Snatch Theft (Group 3)

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Snatch Theft (Group 3) by Mind Map: Snatch Theft (Group 3)

1. Setting

2. Syaiful

2.1. Setting

2.1.1. A woman was approaching to the automated teller machine (ATM)

2.1.2. She carelessly counting her large withdrawal money

2.2. Foreshadowing complication

2.2.1. She did not notice that someone was eyeing the wards of fifty dollar note

2.2.2. Unknown danger trailing close behind her

2.3. complication

2.3.1. With a flash, the theft quickly snatch her bag.

2.3.2. Without hesitation,she cried for help

2.4. Resolution

2.4.1. Luckily, two brave children heard the call

2.4.2. They quickly took a chase of the theft

2.4.3. The theft was caught red-hended

2.5. Coda

2.5.1. The woman promise to never show of her money or expensive items in public again

3. Rishin

3.1. Settings

3.2. Foreshadowing complication

3.3. complication

3.4. Resolution

3.5. Coda

4. Amos

4.1. Setting

4.1.1. A woman was withdrawing her money from the ATM machine .After that , she went decided to take shortcut home, the shortcut was in the dark mysterious ally way

4.2. Foreshadowing complication

4.3. Complication

4.4. Reselution

4.5. Coda

5. Guntur

5.1. Setting

5.1.1. Who A young lady.

5.1.2. Where In a park.

5.1.3. When

5.2. Foreshadowing complication

5.3. Complication

5.4. Resolution

5.5. Coda