How can we bring efficiencies to DIBELS testing?

How can we bring efficiencies toDIBELS testing?

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How can we bring efficiencies to DIBELS testing? por Mind Map: How can we bring efficiencies to DIBELS testing?

1. Solutions

1.1. Wireless generation

1.1.1. Palm OS Palm no longer makes non-phone devices

1.1.2. Windows platform - new

1.1.3. Handheld tablets

1.1.4. Private label handheld device

1.1.5. Functions without internet connectivity

1.1.6. Annual subscription

2. Current State

2.1. Required test

2.2. Verbally administered

2.3. Teacher paper/pencil notes

2.4. Transfer notes tp AIMS Web

2.5. Reports derived from AIMS Web

2.6. Reports derived from EASy

2.7. University of Oregon owned

2.8. Existing Program

2.8.1. Pike, Longfellow, Washington, West

2.8.2. Positives

2.8.3. Negatives

3. Desired State

3.1. Required test -- really?


3.3. Verbally administered

3.4. Electronic data entry

3.5. Automated data upload

3.6. One reporting tool

3.7. More fidelity

3.8. More instruction time