Our Beautiful Moon

The Moon

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Our Beautiful Moon por Mind Map: Our Beautiful Moon

1. Temperature

1.1. The Moon is the coldest place in the Solar System.

1.2. lunar day the surface averages temperature 107 C.

1.3. during the lunar night, the averages -153 C.

2. Age

2.1. 4.5 billion years old

3. New node

4. Maria

4.1. The Moon dark areas are known as maria.

4.1.1. Maria are found on the near side of the moon.

4.2. The far side is often called the dark side.

4.2.1. One feature of the far side is almost complete lack of maria.

5. Eclipses

5.1. Eclipses only occur when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are all in a straight line.

5.2. Solar Eclipses occur near a new moon.

5.2.1. This happens when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth.

5.3. Lunar Eclipses occur near a full moon.

5.3.1. This happens when the Earth is between the Sun and The Moon.

6. The Moon & Earth

6.1. The Moon is like Earth, both have three interior.

6.1.1. zones, crust, mantle, and core.

6.2. The Moon is Earth's only natural satelite.

6.2.1. And the fifth largest satelite in the Solar System.

6.3. The Moon is 384,403 Kilometers from Earth.

6.3.1. It has been believed to be slowly moving farther away from Earth, about 4cm per year.

6.4. The Moon revoles around the Earth 27 days and 8 hours.

7. The Near side & The Far side

7.1. The side of the Moon thats faces Earth is called the near side.

7.2. The opposite side is the far side.

7.2.1. The far side is often called the dark side.

8. Discovery

8.1. Neil Armstrong

8.1.1. The First Human to set foot on the Moon

8.2. Buzz Aldrin

8.2.1. Second Human to set foot on the Moon

8.3. July 20th 1969

8.3.1. Armstrong & Aldrin spent a day on the Moon

8.4. Mission Apollo 11

8.4.1. Apollo 11 was the first manned mission on the Moon The U.S committed to return to the Moon by 2018.

9. Size

9.1. Shaped like an egg

9.2. The diameter of the Moon is 2,140 miles

9.3. 3,476 km

10. Light of the Moon

10.1. The Moon doesn't produce its own light.

10.1.1. The Moon has no atmosphere that is why the sky always appears dark, even on the bright side.

10.2. It looks bright because it reflects light from the Sun.

10.2.1. Half of the sphere of The Moon is lit by the Sun. We see just a little of the lit side, how much we see depends on where the moon is around the Earth.

11. Orbit

11.1. The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is completed in 27.3 days.

12. How the Moon turns/moves

12.1. It rotates around it`s own axis, an imaginary line that connects its pole.

12.1.1. The Moon rotates on its axis once every 29 1/2 days.

12.2. The Moon moves in variety of ways.

13. Website

13.1. http://ourbeautifulmooon.pbworks.com/