Social app (464h)

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Social app (464h) by Mind Map: Social app (464h)

1. User account (50h)

1.1. Sign in (10h)

1.2. Sign up (10h)

1.3. Account details (30h)

1.3.1. edit user info (12h)

1.3.2. app info (6h)

1.3.3. send feedback (6h)

1.3.4. sign out (3h)

1.3.5. delete account (3h)

2. Create event (74h)

2.1. Enter details (18h)

2.2. Add place (26h)

2.2.1. search for location (16h)

2.2.2. select location on map (10h)

2.2.3. Suggestion: we could use foursquare api

2.3. Select Date (6h)

2.4. Invite friends to even (24h)

2.4.1. show friend list (18h)

2.4.2. select friends (6h)

2.4.3. Suggestion: add search.

3. Show users profiles (40h)

3.1. Friends list (12h)

3.2. User profile details (28h)

3.2.1. user info (12h)

3.2.2. add friend (8h)

3.2.3. unfriend (8h)

3.3. Suggestion: invite friends into the app from the social networks friends lists.

4. Show messages (42h)

4.1. Read messages (20h)

4.2. Post messages (22h)

5. Screens navigation (24h)

5.1. Slide-Out Side Panel (8h)

5.2. Left navigation menu (16h)

6. Show events (164h)

6.1. Past events (40h)

6.2. Event details (62h)

6.2.1. join (6h)

6.2.2. decline (6h)

6.2.3. invite (8h)

6.2.4. show event info (42h) event details (16h) event participants (18h) add friend (8h) Suggestion: We can add friends only from event participants. May be we should add ability to search people?

6.3. Upcoming events (40h)

6.3.1. Nearby events list (20h) go to event details

6.3.2. Invitation events list (20h) go to event details

6.4. Events on built-in map (22h)

6.4.1. go to event details by tapping on the pinpoint (2h)

6.4.2. search events by location and span (12h)

6.4.3. Suggestion: build route on map from current user location to the event place

6.4.4. show events on map (8h)

7. Settings (40h)

7.1. Show preferences (16h)

7.2. Edit preferences (8h)

7.3. Push notifications (16h)

8. Share (30h)

8.1. facebook (6h)

8.2. twitter (6h)

8.3. google+ (12h)