Snatch Theft (Group 1)

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Snatch Theft (Group 1) by Mind Map: Snatch Theft (Group 1)

1. Tempted the snatch theif into action

2. Foreshadowing complication

2.1. flaunting her shiny jewellery

2.2. At a bend leading to a desserted alley

2.3. Feigning ignorence and asking for help

2.4. Rushed into the lift

2.5. Lying through his/his teeth

2.6. counting wads of fifty dollar notes in public

3. Complication

3.1. sprang into action and accelerated towards the victim

3.2. with the flash of an outstretched arm,he swiftly grabbed the prize

3.3. her false sense of security was instantaneously shattered

3.4. the deceptive would-be-robber

4. Resolution

4.1. Called the police

4.2. chased after the theif

5. Coda

5.1. learned a valuable lesson

5.2. learned to be careful from then on

6. Setting

6.1. Where

6.2. Who

6.3. Why

6.4. Which

6.5. How