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L2 Reading Acquisition por Mind Map: L2 Reading Acquisition

1. Comprehension

1.1. Fiction

1.1.1. "show" your thinking Somebody/wanted/but/so predict the ending

1.1.2. "Five Finger Summary"

1.1.3. Sticky notes with targeted topics

1.1.4. Think/pair/share

1.2. Non-fiction

1.2.1. teach text structures: main idea/detail, compare/contrast, cause/effect

1.2.2. Exploring the Text Chapter Walks Compare and Contrast Fiction and Non-fiction Text KWL chart

2. Interactive Approach

2.1. "meaning-making"

2.1.1. unanswerable questions about text

2.2. dialogue-real communication

2.2.1. Both large and Small group work with specific tasks and accountability to the rest of the group. e.g. must report to or teach something to rest of group.

2.3. balance approach

2.4. combining vocab development with phonics

2.5. use top down until unfamiliar word, then use decoding (bottom up)

2.5.1. As reading develops bottom up skills should come into play automatically, with top down efforts delegated to meaning making and bottom up to decoding fluently.

2.6. reading becomes component of language - reading, writing, speaking, listening

2.6.1. Real audiences, real questions

2.7. Avenues-Hampton-Brown

2.8. Ideas

2.8.1. teach sight words and phonics at the same time

2.8.2. "Guess the Covered Word"

2.8.3. "Word Waves"

3. Bottom-Up Theory

3.1. larger to smaller units of sound

3.1.1. skills are transferable from L1

3.2. direct, explicit, & systematic

3.2.1. begin with commonalities

3.3. rehearsal and reading practice to develop fluency

3.4. blending sounds

3.5. make sure that phonemic awareness is present in L1 and L2

3.6. Programs

3.6.1. Wilson/ Orton-Gillingham

3.6.2. Zoo-Phonics

3.6.3. Just Words-spelling program

3.6.4. LiPS

3.6.5. Sopris West fasfasfasf sfasfasdf

4. Assessment

4.1. establish clear and fair criteria

4.2. Have students identify words they don't know

4.3. Make sure that error rates for reading material is within the correct parameters for independent and instructional levels.

5. Alphabetics

5.1. phonemic awareness not discrimination

5.1.1. primarily an auditory skill

5.2. involve students in rhyme, poetry and song

5.2.1. Activities should be done orally

5.3. sort objects of pictures into groups by sound

5.3.1. syllable sorts insertion and deletion activities

5.3.2. Words Their Way activities

5.4. Use movement when rehearsing sound/symbol relationships

6. Top-Bottom Theory

6.1. activating prior knowledge

6.1.1. "KWL Charts" Add an "H" for How (source, method...)

6.2. creating a connection

6.2.1. text to self/text/world

6.3. questioning-before, during, after

6.4. visualizing-"picture in reader's mind"

6.4.1. Visualizing and Verbalizing

6.5. determining what's important

6.6. forming an inference

6.7. summarizing

6.8. assessing level of background knowledge and providing ways to learn background knowledge in L1or L2

6.9. differentiating

6.9.1. instruction, activities, assessment

6.10. text rich environment

6.10.1. Word Walls

6.11. Reader generates meaning through reading to confirm expectations based on above expectations.

6.12. assess and reassess

6.12.1. New node

6.13. constructivism approach

6.14. Keep language in teaching of L2 reading

6.15. cognates

6.16. develop vocabulary and background

6.17. sticky notes

6.17.1. student developed dictionaries

7. Culture

7.1. Family Literacy

7.1.1. Background make connections, make meaning (schema theory)

7.2. Literacy at home in primary language facilitates transfer of skills

7.3. Family interviews

7.4. Multi-cultural Materials

7.4.1. Literature in the students L1

7.5. be mindful of English background knowledge in fairy tales, nursery rhymes, etc. and ensure that ELL students are privy to this knowledge

7.5.1. Encourage ELLs to bring in stories or share stories they have heard of. Look for common traits and differences.

7.6. cultural experiences such as holidays and traditions

7.7. expect student to make sounds they are only able to make

7.8. work from whole to part and back to whole

7.8.1. selection of unbiased textbooks

7.9. explicitly teach about diversity, the differences between cultures, the assumptions that cultures have.

7.9.1. show films, read books, and have projects that get the kids being 'experts' on their culture for group projects that discover that culture

8. Vocabulary

8.1. student-friendly definitions

8.1.1. incorporate the senses

8.2. "cash in on cognates" Cognate Word Wall

8.3. context as a clue

8.4. Word Posters

8.5. Vocabulary Box

8.6. Productive and passive. We must remember to teach productive

8.6.1. student lead vocabulary class vocabulary instruction

8.6.2. feeling words body words trauma healing