Economic Impact

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Economic Impact by Mind Map: Economic Impact

1. Rapid industralisation

1.1. 5 year plans

1.1.1. Cons Poor coordination and planning Economy was underproduction Shortage of materials

1.1.2. Aim Focused on developing heavy industries

1.1.3. Result Declining rate of growth as emphasis was placed on taking stock of production Helped to propel the soviet union forward to become an industrial base for powerful arms industry by 1941

2. Collectivisation

2.1. Results

2.1.1. Peasants killed their own animals, burnt their grains

2.1.2. Bad harvest cause Great Famine (1932-1933)

2.1.3. Loss of animal population

2.1.4. Manpower were found as peasants left the country side

2.2. Measures

2.2.1. Land owned by the state

2.2.2. Crops distributed by state

2.2.3. Quantities, working hrs, wages are controlled ny state

2.2.4. Equipment were provided by state

2.3. Aims

2.3.1. Motto "peace, land, bread" for all people rather than private land ownership

2.3.2. Aided Stalin main aim of rapid industralisation

2.3.3. Secure food supply for factory workers

2.3.4. Exported crops to raise funds

2.3.5. Allow farmers to become factory workers