Important People of the Civil War

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Important People of the Civil War by Mind Map: Important People of the Civil War

1. Military

1.1. Union

1.1.1. Ulysses S. Grant

1.1.2. Robert Gould Shaw

1.2. Confederate

1.2.1. Robert E. Lee

1.2.2. Stonewall Jackson

1.2.3. George Pickett

2. Politicians

2.1. Abraham Lincoln

2.2. Stephen Douglas

2.3. Henry Clay

2.4. Jefferson Davis

3. Civilians

3.1. Clara Barton

3.2. Harriet Beecher Stowe

3.3. Harriet Tubman

3.4. William Lloyd Garrison

3.5. Nat Turner

3.6. Frederick Douglas

3.7. Dred Scott

3.8. John Brown